Study Tours and Exchange Activities
‘No man is an island.’ The school recognises the significance of partnership and global experience in our girls’ development and is impressed how well our students learn whenever they have the chance to communicate with people from different parts of the world. An array of exchange programmes ranging from among local schools, with our mainland counterparts and with overseas institutions, have been organised annually to enable students to explore, connect and blossom in the world village.
Major Activities
Exchange Programme among local schools
Shanghai Exchange Programme
Beijing Exchange Programme
Global Exchange Programmes
Summer Study Tours to English speaking countries

Personal Growth Programmes
To promote life-wide learning, develop students’ multiple intelligences, enrich their life experience and learn to care for the community, the school establishes Personal Growth Programmes for each level:
Form 1: Life Skills and Positive Attitude Experiential Camp;
Form 2: Cross-boundary Community Service and Exchange Tour;
Form 3: Overseas Art, Culture and Conservation Tour;
Form 4: Work Experience Placement Programme; and
Form 5: Overseas Voluntary Services and Cultural Exploration Tour.