JACP Trade Fair

When it comes to learning new skills, there is no better teacher than a hands-on experience. This year, 19 of our Form 4 students took the plunge and joined the JA Company Programme, founding Heep Yunn’s third student company: Ignite. By joining the programme, they were able to start a student business from scratch with the guidance of teachers and voluntary business advisors.

On the 15th of December, they were given an opportunity to sell their products at the Trade Fair hosted by Junior Achievement Hong Kong at Chater Garden. Although all of them still had upcoming exams to study for, they strived to promote their own products, which they had worked tirelessly for the past 4 months to design and develop, to visitors and judges.

In the end, their hard work paid off, and they were crowned the “Best Offering-Champion” by the judges. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers, business advisors, and designers who aided all Ignite members on their entrepreneurial journey.

However, this is far from the end of Ignite’s story. In February and March, they will shoot for the stars and aim for clinching awards such as the Social Innovation Award, the Best Teamwork Award, and the JA Company of the Year Award. We wish them the best of luck with taking their company to the next level!


Text by: Eunice Poon (4D)