Our Girls |
Quotes |
Mrs Minnie Lai |
Heep Yunn School is now facing the biggest challenge as well as the most difficult time in the last thirty years or so. This is the moment when the school motto aptly reminds us that "In strength and grace we stand united." I would now urge all members of the Heep Yunn family to rally behind the school and pledge your unstinting support as she strives to secure a long-term funding source through joining the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS). Without a stable and reliable source of funding, which only the DSS can guarantee, the very fabric of the school will be shaken. She will no longer be able to maintain that unique quality of education for which you are indebted to, thank the school profusely for, and of which you are so immensely proud. As you all know, whilst Heep Yunn teaches us to be thankful for all that we have, we must never be complacent but should set still higher goals. Likewise, the school will not be satisfied with merely maintaining the present standard – a standard that even then faces the imminent danger of being eroded. She will not be rested until a stable and continuous source of funding, as that provided by DSS, is secured to enable her to go on in pursuit of further excellence and stay competitive. At this juncture I need to assure you all that no student qualified to enter Heep Yunn would be turned away on the basis of her inability to pay the fees. The very comprehensive Fee Remission Scheme to be implemented in the school on joining DSS is a clear assurance to prospective parents and students. Have no fear that Heep Yunn would become a school for the rich and privileged only. She has never forgotten her humble origin – her mother, Miss Victoria Home, was an orphan. Those of you who have gone through the portals of the school will attest to the fact that the students – rich or poor, privileged or underprivileged – all blend into one, each enriching the life of the other. This distinctive feature is deeply ingrained in the school and remains a valuable aspect of the education we offer here. I wish to conclude by saying how moved I am by all the unconditional love and tender care the teachers have bestowed on their charges; their due diligence and sheer determination in pursuit of excellence; the effective guidance they provide; their admirable patience and perseverance. All the awards and acclaim that Heep Yunn School has won in the past thirty years or so in all areas of endeavour, be it academic, music, drama, sports, debating etc., are all a testimony to what a school like Heep Yunn can achieve with such quality teachers. We, as members of the Heep Yunn family, would be failing them miserably if we do not strive to secure a reliable source of funding to keep them in school. |